August is looming ever closer, which means it's getting close to that time when #RPGaDAY returns! Once again, throughout August, we're asking you to use the daily prompt to talk about, illustrate, photograph, blog, tweet, instagram, or anything, all about tabletop roleplaying games, and how they make your life better.
As always, keep it positive - this is all about spreading the word about how great our hobby is.
Check out this little video for more information -
If you'd prefer the prompts in plain text, for easier readability, here are the daily words:
1. First
2. Unique
3. Engage
4. Share
5. Space
6. Ancient
7. Familiar
8. Obscure
9. Critical
10. Focus
11. Examine
12. Friendship
13. Mystery
14. Guide
15. Door
16. Dream
17. One
18. Plenty
19. Scary
20. Noble
21. Vast
22. Lost
23. Surprise
24. Triumph
25. Calamity
26. Idea
27. Suspense
28. Love
29. Evolve
30. Connection
31. Last
If you don't like the word, pick an alternative like...
Greedy, Artificial, Magic, Light, Incredible, Stunning, Emotional, Dark, Hint, Map, Trophy, Fury, or Companion.
Or take the word and do the opposite. Or roll a D6 and scatter off in different directions to a new word - if you've done it before, interpret it in a new way!
As always, #RPGaDAY supporters around the world have been translating the prompts, the first to do so is Roberto "Sunglar" Micheri who has translated it into Spanish - thank you!
The prompts in French, translated by Sébastien Allard - many thanks!!
1. Premier/Première
2. Unique
3. Engager
4. Partage
5. Espace
6. Ancient/Ancienne
7. Familier/Familière
8. Obscur/Obscure
9. Critique
10. Focus
11. Examiner
12. Amitié
13. Mystère
14. Guide
15. Porte
16. Rêve
17. Un
18. Beaucoup
19. Effrayant/Effrayante
20. Noble
21. Vaste
22. Perdu/Perdue
23. Surprise
24. Triomphe
25. Calamité
26. Idée
27. Suspense
28. Amour
29. Évoluer
30. Connection
31. Dernier/Dernière
The German translation, translated by Michael L. Jaegers - awesome, thank you!
1. erster/erste/erstes
2. einzigartig
3. engagieren
4. teilen
5. Raum
6. historisch
7. vertraut
8. obskur
9. kritisch
10. Fokus
11. untersuchen
12. Freundschaft
13. geheimnisvoll
14. anleiten/Anleitung
15. Türe/Tor
16. Traum
17. eins
18. reichlich/Fülle
19. gruselig
20. großzügig
21. gewaltig
22. verloren/verschollen
23. Überraschung
24. Erfolg
25. Katastrophe
26. Idee
27. Spannung
28. Liebe
29. entwickeln
30. Verbindung
31. letzter/letzte/letztes
The translation into Polish, with many thanks to Maciej Jesionowski:
DZIEŃ ENG PL 1 First pierwsza, pierwszy 2 Unique niepowtarzalny, unikatowy 3 Engage zaangażowanie, udział 4 Share dzielić się, udostępniać 5 Space przestrzeń, kosmos 6 Ancient starożytny, antyczny 7 Familiar znajomy, chowaniec 8 Obscure niejasny, niezrozumiały 9 Critical krytyczny, istotny 10 Focus skupiać, ognisko 11 Examine badać, rozpatrywać 12 Friendship przyjaźń 13 Mystery zagadka, tajemnica 14 Guide przewodnik, kierować 15 Door drzwi, brama 16 Dream sen, marzenie 17 One jeden, jedyny 18 Plenty dostatek, obfitość 19 Scary straszny 20 Noble szlachetny, dostojny 21 Vast ogromny, rozległy 22 Lost zaginiony, zagubiony 23 Surprise niespodzianka, zaskoczenie 24 Triumph zwycięstwo, sukces 25 Calamity klęska, katastrofa 26 Idea pomysł, myśl 27 Suspense niepewność, zawieszenie 28 Love miłość, kochać 29 Evolve ewoluować, rozwijać się 30 Connection połączenie, związek 31 Last ostatni, trwać
For the Prompts in Portuguese, we recommend you check out this fantastic site:
And into Swedish, thanks to Richard Falk:
Day | Original | Swedish |
1 | First | Först |
2 | Unique | Unik |
3 | Engage | Sysselsätta |
4 | Share | Dela |
5 | Space | Rymd |
6 | Ancient | Gammal |
7 | Familiar | Bekant |
8 | Obscure | Obskyr |
9 | Critical | Kritisk |
10 | Focus | Fokus |
11 | Examine | Utforska |
12 | Friendship | Vänskap |
13 | Mystery | Mysterium |
14 | Guide | Guide |
15 | Door | Dörr |
16 | Dream | Dröm |
17 | One | En |
18 | Plenty | Många |
19 | Scary | Skrämmande |
20 | Noble | Ädel |
21 | Vast | Enorm |
22 | Lost | Borta |
23 | Surprise | Överraskning |
24 | Triumph | Triumf |
25 | Calamity | Katastrof |
26 | Idea | Idé |
27 | Suspense | Spänning |
28 | Love | Kärlek |
29 | Evolve | Utveckla |
30 | Connection | Koppling |
31 | Last | Sist |
I'll keep posting new translations here as they arrive.
Thank you everyone - see you in August!
A plaintext list in English for those that need one:
It`s a cool initative. First -> First leader of a goblin tribe. In German: