Ardent Zungar - whoever they are. They look a bit cross... |
Day Nineteen of
#RPGaDAY 2019 was the word
SCARY, and I completely failed to write this one up in time. Mostly as I was doing something pretty SCARY and went for a job interview. However, it was (thankfully) nowhere near as scary as I thought it could have been, and far less scary than what I'd originally planned to write for today's entry - which was about
Fria Ligan's ALIEN RPG.

I know there was an
ALIENS RPG many, many moons ago, but I always wondered why no one had attempted a new version of an RPG in the ALIEN universe. Luckily, it fell into the hands of
Fria Ligan, the force behind the awesome
Tales from the Loop, and we recently played the introductory adventure you get when you preorder the game.
And it was freakin' tense. We'd stumbled across a ship, adrift for decades, and went aboard hoping to unravel the mystery (and gain some tasty salvage).
Needless to say, no one survived. None of us - alien, infected, human or synthetic. All of us toast. Two whole ship crews went out after three incredibly tense sessions with arms being ripped off, ships piling into each other, and plenty of running down corridors with those flashing yellow lights and the computer alert repeating "WARNING: SELF DESTRUCT ACTIVATED"...
Fab. Looking forward to seeing how it'll work in campaign play as the xenomorphs are TOUGH. I know they are in the movies, but they're one hit killers. Nasty! Also want to see how the stealthy sneaking around rules work that Fria Ligan were talking about on the podcasts.
Awesome stuff.
And that brings me up to today.
Another one of those custom Dr Who Micro Universe figures I made, this time the Donna Noble "Runaway Bride" mini, custom Autocratik dice made by www.chimericdesigns.co.uk |
Day Twenty of
#RPGaDAY is the word
NOBLE. The only thing I could think of talking about when it comes to nobility was my go-to character class in
AD&D, which was Paladins. But as I'm sat here writing this one, I thought maybe this is a good chance to mention
Nobilis again. I know, it's a slightly off-centre interpretation for the day's word, but I did want to say how much I love the 2nd Edition of
The cover of 2nd Edition Nobilis - The "Great White Book" as it's known. |
It's so pretty, a marvel of graphic design and layout, and one of the first narrative-driven games I've owned. The sad thing (or should that be scary, to tie in with day 19's post) is that I've still never played it.
It is one of the benchmarks of RPG design and production in my opinion, and something I can only aspire to achieve with
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