Saturday, May 30, 2020

[Roll Your Own Life] The Books That Hooked Me (Part 7)


Sorry I was late putting up a post yesterday for the books that had an impact on me. It was a combination of being busy with writing, and the timing after JK Rowling latest tweets...

I'm just going to post to say I love Harry Potter. I loved the movies first, then finally read all the books. But it was the sixth one - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that really struck a chord. Mostly because there is a lot of cool background in there, masses of story that they didn't have time to put on screen, detailing Tom Riddle's background and upbringing, that was fascinating.

I just wish that Warner Bros. bought Harry Potter off of JK outright, opening up the world to other creators to set stories (and games *hint*) within the Wizarding World.

One day I'll write a Harry Potter RPG...

One day...

1 comment:

Cross Planes said...

For me, it was the Goblet of Fire. It was nice that Harry had Sirius to talk to at times. He seemed to be the only adult that understand that Harry is just a boy and doesn't want all of this crap in his life. Its one thing to know that the story will involve a one Wizard killing the other but its completely different if you view through the lends of teenage angst to know that by the time you are 18 you will be dead or a murderer.