Thursday, August 8, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY EIGHT: Accessorise this!


Day Eight of #RPGaDAY2024, and the topic is an Accessory you appreciate. I know I've seen a few moans about the questions - notice the questions don't say "Best" as a definitive, they say "Great" so it's your opinion. We're not handing out awards here, just want to hear what you think. So when it says An Accessory You Appreciate, it doesn't necessarily mean an award winning or amazing one, and in my case, it's not really amazing. 

After all, I don't really use accessories. The most used accessories I have when gaming are a simple dice tray, and maybe a paperclip to record hit points/stress/etc. For our FFG Star Wars game, Debs created some laminated trackers that could record our Stress/Health and you popped a paperclip on either side to slide up and down so you don't constantly have to erase pencil markings and wear a hole in your character sheet. If I can find one, I'll take a photo and add it to this post...

Anyway, have fun with #RPGaDAY2024. If you don't like a question, do something else that gets people talking in a positive way. Just get people involved.

Stay safe and stay multi classy.

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