Friday, August 9, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY NINE: An Accessory you'd like to see


Day Nine of #RPGaDAY2024, and it's particularly tricky as I'd mentioned yesterday that I don't really use cool accessories when gaming, so there's not really one I'd like to see. I had this weird idea of setting up a tripod and my phone over the dice tray so that when I'm playing over Skype like I usually do, the GM can see our dice rolls. But that may be taking it a bit far... 

What would you like to see?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss seeing the dice rolling when watching a group playing online. So I would also like to see a dice cam! :D But for me... Well, I've used equipment cards before (that I've made myself) because it's a totally different thing when the players have their equipment with them so that they can lend, borrow, gain and lose during the game. So I have some specific ones, and also generic cards for when I want to add something on the fly. With some games it's easy to just write down the name of the equipment, a characteristic and some stats. Besides that, a deck ("of many things") with all sorts of props and things that could be used in a game would be nice. They could just have nice illustrations of all sorts of things that the players could pick up and interact with, leaving the stats for the GM to come up with if needed.