Sunday, August 11, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY TEN and ELEVEN: Well Support One-Shot on TV


It's the weekend again, and I didn't have the opportunity to type up yesterday's response. So here goes!

Day Ten asked about an RPG you'd like to see on TV. I must admit, I wasn't sure if it was going to be a setting or something from an RPG turned into a TV series, or what game you'd like to see being played on TV? I think the former is probably more interesting, so let's go with Conspiracy X. You know I'm a massive fan of The X-Files, and the setting for Conspiracy X, with it multiple alien species, supernatural weirdness, multiple government conspiracies, psychic powers, and nanotech. It'd be great.

Also, I had a weird dream of WILD being turned into a TV series. Parallel plot lines of Carter creating the technology, and Clarity trapped in the dreamscape trying to escape... but most series I've watched about dreamscapes and dream sharing haven't lasted long (Sleepwalkers, Falling Water, Reverie, etc.). Heck, I even had a cast sorted out in my head, with Peter Outerbridge as Carter... 

Day Eleven asks us to think about an RPG that has well supported one-shots. I must admit, I'm not much of a one-shot person, though I've had a couple of really cool games of Fiasco, and there have been a couple of great one-shots of All Flesh Must Be Eaten. I mean, Cinematic Alien is almost designed for one-shots (or rather three-shots) I think the ruler of one-shotdom, would either be Fiasco, or Grant Howitt's ever growing range of one-page games (Jason Statham's Big Vacation stands out for me). 

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