Thursday, August 1, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY ONE: FIRST RPG bought this year

 Oh no! It's August again already! 

I had big plans for #RPGaDAY this year... I was going to do the whole 'two birds, one stone' thing and try to get some practice in drawing comics - I used to draw and publish comics about 25 years ago and since then I've hardly set pen to paper, and I really wanted to get back into doing something creative like that. It would also mean I could do #RPGaDAY without people having to see my aging and ridiculous face over and over again on Youtube...

The best laid plans. Maybe I'll still do it and catch up if I get chance.

Anyway, life kinda got in the way, and awful things have happened. But I'm still going to try and take part as much as I can, even if it's just as blog posts.

So... Day One - FIRST RPG bought this year.

I've bought a few this year, not too many. But I honestly can't remember what was the first. There's a good chance it was either the Fiery Angels adventure supplement for Blade Runner, which we played through before I read it, and it was amazing. Totally gripping, and there was a brilliant rug-pull moment of failing a Voight-Kampf test even though my character was human and starting to really question my reality...

Or, it was an eBay purchase of a load of 1st Edition Star Trek Adventures books that I didn't have (not that I had any of them). I love Star Trek, and had the opportunity to work as Line Developer for the initial creative burst on the line until juggling a day job with line-developing became too much and I had to drop out (paying the bills meant I had to stick to the day job, which was absolutely gutting). 

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