Wednesday, August 7, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024: DAY SEVEN: An RPG with 'Good Form'


Today's #RPGaDAY2024 is going to be a headscratcher for most people. An RPG with "Good Form".

So what does that mean, exactly?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as - 

"Behaviour that complies with current social conventions."

If someone is in 'good form' it implies that they are healthy. It can also mean 'performing well'.

So I guess you could interpret it any way you like. 

If it's about social conventions and being respectful to everyone, I guess I'd say anything by Evil Hat - they seem to be not only the most inclusive in their publishing, but also in their production - making sure that their books are clear, and accessible. The only problem I have with Evil Hat is that I have to wait for them to go into distribution over here due to shipping. 

If you are referring to 'performing well', I guess there is only one winner here, and that's the Kickstarter for Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere setting. As I type this, the Kickstarter still has 22 days to go, and will be hitting $5million by the end of day (probably by lunch). I'm just stunned, but it's great to see an RPG do so well!! 

Well, I guess that'll do. Until tomorrow!!

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