Tuesday, August 6, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY SIX: RPG that is EASY to use

Day Six of #RPGaDAY2024, and this one will be a really short one. Today asks about an RPG that's easy to use, and I'm going to interpret that as not only easy to pick up and play, but also easy to use at the table due to the simplicity of the mechanics.

There are a few, Tales from the Loop springs to mind again, but I think the winner would have to be Ghostbusters again. I mean, it's 4 stats, 4 'skills', loads of dice, and it's so simple you wouldn't believe. 

If you can't get hold of Ghostbusters, maybe check out its offspring, the Awfully Cheerful Engine, or ACE Adventures as it is sometimes called. Same system, a whole heap of settings, and loads of fun.



Jonathan Linneman said...

Great choice!! I feel the need to note that Spooktacular/Sixtacular, FIE, I SAY!, and Mini Six with the Paranormal Investigators & Exterminators supplement should also do the trick if you're looking to recapture that GBRPG magic!

Anonymous said...

Haven't played this one yet, but I think Jez Gordon's (gibletblizzard) simplified Star Wars RPG that uses pools of binary dice like those Watto had in The Phantom Menace would fit the bill.