Tuesday, August 13, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY THIRTEEN: Evocative Environments

 It's Day Thirteen of #RPGaDAY2024, and today is Evocative Environments. I have a real problem with environments and settings that I haven't created. I don't know if I'm a particularly visual kinda person when it comes to my imagination, but it really helps if I can see what the characters see. 

For me, it's easier when I'm playing a licensed game, so I can mentally visualise where things are. If you tell me I'm in a sleazy cantina on Coruscant I know exactly what you're saying. Possibly why I'm not great at fantasy settings, especially ones that aren't based upon works I'm familiar with. 

So for me, the most evocative environment is something I'm able to mentally picture, whether that's the middle of London, the deserts of Tatooine, the domed city on Gallifrey, Brakebills University, or the bridge of the Enterprise. If it's not somewhere I'm familiar with, give me pictures. Lots of pictures. Evocative pictures like Broken Weave or Tales from the Loop

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