Friday, August 30, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY THIRTY: Person you'd like to game with


Day Thirty of #RPGaDAY2024 and we're asking about a person you'd like to game with. I mean, there are some crazy and out-there ideas I could suggest. Many years ago I heard tell of a legendary tabletop game of Deadlands with Bruce Campbell taking part. I mean, if that's the bar that has been set, what could you imagine?

A game of Scum & Villainy in the Riddick universe with Vin Diesel? 
A Ghostbusters RPG session with Dan Aykroyd?
A Conspiracy X game with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson? 
A game of Doctor Who with David Tennant? 

The possibilities are endless. Especially, with movie and TV companies seeing the potential for RPGs to help define their worlds. If Free League can do an actual play set in continuity for The Walking Dead Universe RPG, maybe they could get one or two of the actors in to play their characters if they cross over? 

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