Saturday, August 3, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY THREE: Most OFTEN played RPG

As Daniel Craig said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the weekend" (to paraphrase). It's the weekend, and the strange colour scheme for the day on the #RPGaDAY chart not only indicates that it's the weekend, but also the rather bad anniversary that occurs today – and one of the reasons I started #RPGaDAY to begin with (a bit of positivity to distract me). 

Onto Day Three of #RPGaDAY2024 asks about the RPG you've played the most often. Tricky... I guess it would depend upon timescales? If we're talking recently, with my current group, then it'd probably be a close run thing between Aegean (see yesterday's post) or FFG's Star Wars RPG (Force and Destiny, more than the others, but a bit of everything). 

Setting the way-back machine a bit further to the previous era of gaming, it'd probably be a close-run thing between Vampire: The Masquerade and Mage: The Ascension. (Oh, man... I loved Mage.)

However, if you take into account all of the games I've played over the many years, it'd probably be a close run thing between AD&D and Star Frontiers. We played so much of both of those (along with Runequest, Traveller, and Call of Cthulhu, and a host of others) - and I know it sounds weird but Star Frontiers may actually top the list by a fraction. It'd be close...  

I'd still love to see a proper new (non-racist) edition of this, I just remember having way too much fun with Star Frontiers, and I was always more of a Sci-Fi person than a swords and fantasy type in my youth. 

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