Monday, August 12, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY TWELVE: Well Supported with Campaigns


As a companion piece to yesterday's one about One-Shots, today is all about Campaigns (I really should have moved these to be the weekend prompts, shouldn't I?). 

I guess everyone is going to immediately go for WFRP's The Enemy Within, but I've never played it (I'm not really that into fantasy as a tabletop setting, sorry). 

I'd like to mention that Tales from the Loop have a number of excellent campaign books - Our Friends the Machines, Out of Time, and They Grow Up So Fast. I love to see this sort of content, as I'm not great at coming up with adventures or long form content like this. I mean, when I have an idea, it escalates and gets huge, but if I don't have that idea to begin with, I'm stuck.

Doctor Who had a great multipart campaign recently called A Stitch in Time, which is 10 episodes that connect like a great RTD season with an epic season finale where it all comes together. 

But, the obvious choice to massive, well supported, campaigns is Call of Cthulhu. One day, I'll get to play or run Masks of Nyarlathotep, or Horror on the Orient Express - both of which can take years to complete. Sounds amazing. 

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