Tuesday, August 27, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY TWENTY-SEVEN: Marvellous Miniature

 We're down to the last few prompts now, and unfortunately this is another one that isn't too relevant to me - I don't really use miniatures, but there have been a few recently that have really stood out as being incredibly tempting.

The ones that really leap out are all from Crooked Dice Game Design Studio - they do some really cool minis that are heavily influenced by some great genre movies and TV series from my past. One that really got me far to overexcited was when they announced their "Alien Invaders" range of humanoid aliens (that may secretly be lizards if you know what I mean) and their iconic red jumpsuits. I have fond memories of playing West End Games' 'Price of Freedom' RPG only with the Soviet forces switched out for the same lizard-like humanoid aliens.

So when they showed off the range of minis that included this little beauty...

.... oooooooooh. How cool. And it's not a bad price either at £30. Considering it's in scale with their little characters. 

The other one is this little beauty... They do one of the flying thingies (which I won't name) as well as the tanks...  Flippin' gorgeous. I'd want some cool glowing paint for it though...

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