Thursday, August 22, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY TWENTY-TWO: Notable Non-Player Character

Day Twenty-Two of #RPGaDAY2024 is all about Notable NPCs - one that really comes to mind is Daraka the Rodian engineer and splicer from our FFG Star Wars games. For some reason, Daraka (stop autocorrecting it to Dark, Google) was always eating. It may be a hint of Sung Kang's character, Han, from the Fast franchise in there... (C'mon, let's face it, Han is the best character in Fast)... but he was always eating Cheetos (or a Star Wars equivalent). 

Those cool little sucker-fingers were perfect for working the tech, and also for extracting orangey snacks from the bags. It did mean that during any covert operation against the Empire we had to ensure that the little orange spice-dust wasn't all over the control panels and screens. 

Daraka became so popular in our group (along with Lumsk the Trandoshan) that we played a side-mission with Daraka as a PC. I can't remember if he survived or not... poor Daraka. 

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