Friday, August 2, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - DAY TWO: Most RECENTly Played


Day Two of #RPGaDAY2024, and I have to say I've been blown away by how many people are taking part this year. Thank you all so much!! 

Day Two's question asks about the MOST RECENTLY PLAYED RPG. That one is especially easy as we were gaming last night. Stoo Goff has been working on Aegean for many years, and a while ago he launched a very successful Kickstarter for the core rulebook and two epic supplements. We've been playing Aegean off and on for a while, play testing, then actually gaming. It's an epic game of Greek Myth, where players are mortals or descendants of the gods, undertaking the epic quests of Greek mythology. There is a great system in there for building your town/city, and working to expand it and defend it against attack.

Most recently we've been playing Aegean but taken out of the mythical Greek setting, and placing it in the time of mythical Viking sagas. We've been exploring the seas, dethroning Yarls, shapeshifting, battling elf tyrants, fighting off hordes of the undead, come under the spell of strange cattle, tried to restore our village to a semblance of peace. It has been EPIC to say the least, with plot lines drawn straight from Norse mythology and the sagas. Great stuff. 

If you want to check out the Aegean game, you can find out more here -

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