Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Yes, I've been a bit slack with #RPGaDAY2024 at the moment. My meds have really kicked me in the guts (literally) over the last few days and I've been using what little energy I had left to do my day job. But things seem to be improving a little, so let's take this opportunity to catchup with where we were in this year's #RPGaDAY initiative!

DAY EIGHTEEN: Memorable moment of play - I think this would probably be either the Tales from the Loop game we were playing a while ago where we got into a very moral argument between the characters (and the players) about how far we should go to test if someone was a robot infiltrator. It would probably be a tie between that session and the recent Aegean game where our druid turned herself into a mouse and jumped into the mouth of a particularly despicable tyrannical Yarl (we're playing as Vikings rather than Ancient Greece), and then turned back to human form. It was gross, explosive, and certainly one of the most memorable moments of play!!!

DAY NINETEEN: Sensational Session - I always have fond (if I can call it that) memories of GMing Kult with my current gaming group, though this was easily 25 years ago... the tension in the room was almost tangible, and I can't even remember what was going on. All I remember is that everyone was very involved with their characters, the stakes were high, there was some weird time-magic going on, vampires, and something, but it was absolutely buzzing in the room. I don't think I'll ever capture that feeling again.

DAY TWENTY: Amazing Adventure - Rather than talk about a home-brew campaign or adventure, I'm going to rave about a game I was involved in making, but had very little creative input in. The recent Doctor Who Second Edition Starter Set has an amazing set of adventures in it - The Timeless Library, which leads into the longer Echo Chamber, and then the Hermit's Lantern (which sets up the party with their own time travel device and lets them continue in the Doctor's universe). I remember getting the manuscript back from the writer, Eleanor Hingley, and being simply blown away. I think I got a little emotional when I read it. The plots, the NPCs (and there are loads of really cool NPCs) and the way it all is structured to introduce new players to the game. It's just awesome. Eleanor really got the brief, and really understands the message behind Doctor Who

DAY TWENTY-ONE: Classic Campaign - I've not really played any big published campaigns. All of our longer campaigns have been multiple shorter adventures strung together, though I guess the Blade Runner boxed adventures are supposed to join to create a coherent campaign. As I haven't really played in any big published ones, I'm going to mention one that I really want to play, and that is Call of Cthulhu's Masks of Nyarlathotep. I really want to play that. Or run it. Maybe that's what gets me back into GMing again. That or Horror on the Orient Express. One of those big Cthulhu campaigns. Maybe I could run it as modern day? Hmmmm...

Okay, that's me back up to date.

Stay safe everyone, and stay multi classy!

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